Undoubtedly, the reliability of the hosting service is among the most essential aspects that you should check before you purchase a web hosting package, but also the account management process shouldn’t be excessively complicated. You wouldn’t like to sign in and out of separate user interfaces all the time to do some elementary tasks, right? With the most famous Control Panels, there are at least 2 accounts for a site – hosting and billing, so you’ll have to sign in and out of 2 different admin panels to register a brand-new domain name, then to host it and to upload the website files pertaining to it. It’d be far easier if you could administer everything related to your domain names in one place and save a lot of time and energy, not to mention that it’d be far easier to perform certain tasks.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Shared Website Hosting
Administering your domain names and everything related to them will be really easy if you get a shared website hosting package through our company. Your account will be administered through the advanced Hepsia Control Panel, an indivisible part of which is our full-featured Domain Manager. The latter will enable you to manage all your domain names without effort – you will be able to register and to renew domains in bulk, to enable Whois Privacy Protection for any of them or to update their DNS resource records, to park and to forward them with only a few mouse clicks. The Domain Manager also has fast-access buttons and by clicking on any of your domains, you will be able to accomplish a lot of things – to keep an eye on visitor stats, to create mail accounts or databases, to access the web files for the given domain name and so on. The advantage of our Domain Manager tool is that all these functions are accessible in one location, so you will not need to use separate user interfaces, which will save you plenty of time.